予約枠/Resernation Information情報情報

101-天ぷら&レタス / Tempura&Lettuce

  • [合羽橋]天ぷら&レタス

  • [店舗 / Shop] 合羽橋店-Kappabashi

  • 3,000円

    料金:3,000円 (お一人様/税込)
    Fee: 3,000 yen (per person/tax included)

  • ●ご予約人数:1グループ 4名様まで
    Number of participants: Up to 4 people per group
    - 1st more than 5people per group,please contact us.

    Number of reservations: 1 to 5 persons per group
    - For more than 5 persons per group, please contact us.

    Contents: Traditional wax technique will be used.
    - 2 tempura (choice of shrimp, eggplant, pumpkin, shiitake mushroom, etc.)
    - 1 lettuce

    Time: Approximately 40 minutes (duration from arrival to completion)

    [If you do not accept the following items, we will cancel your reservation. Please understand this in advance.]

    - 合羽橋店製作体験の対象年齢は小学校1年生からです。
    - The Kappabashi store production experience is open to first grade elementary school students and up.

    - 製作体験をされるお客様の横で見学のみされるお客様は1名様のみご入場いただけます。小学校1年生2年生のお子様が参加される場合、お子様1~2名様につき大人の方1名様付き添いが必要になります)
    - Only one person is allowed to enter the shop to observe the hands-on production next to the visitor. (For children in the first or second grade of elementary school, one adult must accompany one or two children.)

    - エプロンや製作体験に必要なものは全てこちらで準備しているので、持ち物はありません。
    - No need to bring anything, as we will provide aprons and everything you need for the hands-on production experience.

    - お湯に手を浸しますので、袖が肘までまくれるような服装でお願いいたします。
    - Please wear clothing with sleeves rolled up to the elbows, as hands will be dipped in hot water.

    - 凹凸のあるネイルアートをされていると、パーツの隙間に蝋が入りこむ可能性がございます。
    - If you have uneven nail art, there is a possibility that wax may get into the gaps between the parts.

    - 安全確保の為、体験スペースへの未就学児の入場をお断りしております。
    - For safety reasons, preschool children are not allowed to enter the hands-on space.

    - 酒気帯び状態でのご参加はお断りしております。
    - No one is allowed to participate in the workshop under the influence of alcohol.

    - 遅刻されてしまうと製作体験を行う事ができません。もしくは、料金は変わらず、製作する作品数を減らしていただく可能性がございます。時間厳守で10分前までに店内で受付をお済ませください。
    - If you arrive late, you will not be able to participate in the workshop. If you arrive late, you will not be able to participate in the workshop, or you may be asked to reduce the number of pieces you will make without changing the fee. Please be punctual and check in at the store at least 10 minutes prior to your arrival.

    - ご予約後のキャンセル、人数変更はお早めにお願いいたします。
    - If you wish to cancel or change the number of participants after making a reservation, please do so as soon as possible.

  • https://www.ganso-sample.com/experience/kappa_menu1/